Thursday, 17 October 2019

00.04 TA Theory of Transactions (TA Proper)

TA Theory of Transactions
(TA Proper)

Table of Contents Click Here

It is only a matter of time that two persons, when they come in contact with each other, will say something to acknowledge the presence of another. This interaction which incorporates recognition is called a Transaction. A transaction is a unit of social intercourse. It aids social action. It comprises of a transactional stimulus and related transactional response. A transaction originates in an ego state in one person and is directed at an ego state in another person. Thus they are vectors.  Transactions convey information i.e. they are carriers of communication. Communication in turn has two components verbal and non verbal. Transactions also help in the exchange of strokes.

Transactional Analysis Proper is used to distinguish this topic from the whole of Transactional Analysis. TA theory of transactions covers all the possible types of transactions that occur between individuals. It is also a theory of communication. It helps to identify the active ego states that participate in interactions and the nature of interactions that occur in close relationships.

Characteristic features of Transactions
Each transaction comprises a Transactional Stimulus and a related Transactional Response.

They are units of social action.

They are vectors.

They occur between ego states.

They carry communication.

The content of communication has two components - verbal and non verbal.

They also aid exchange of strokes.

They result in mutual recognition.

They are impacting and touch both parties symbolically.

Transactions convey messages at two levels - social level (explicit content) and psychological level (implied content).

Transactional Diagrams
Transactional diagrams are used to map transactions. A set of PAC diagrams are used to show the two participating parties. The transactions are shown as arrows.  They originate in an ego state in one PAC and is directed toward an ego state in the other PAC. The transactional Stimulus is marked (S) and Transactional Response is marked (R). S(S) means Stimulus at social level and S(P) Stimulus at Psychological Level. Similarly, R(S) means Response at Social Level and R(P) means Response at Psychological Level.

Types of Transactions
Transactions convey messages at two levels. Message at social level conveys what is said and message at psychological level conveys implied meaning. For example : "Hello. How are you." may convey the straight meaning or it may mean "Hello. I hope you are better today." The respondent will accordingly reply. "Thanks, I am fine. And you?" in the first case, and "Thanks, better, improving." in the second. Thus it is clear that the response is to the implied meaning unless the respondent attempts to mask the reality.

Transactions are of two types. They are either simple or complex. In simple transactions the messages are congruent. In complex transactions the messages are incongruent. In the example the first transaction is a simple transaction and the second a complex transaction.

Types of Simple Transactions
Simple transactions are of two types - Complementary Transactions and Crossed Transactions. The vectors are parallel in complementary transactions and crossed in Crossed Transactions.

Complementary Transactions : Vectors are parallel in complementary transactions. The ego state addressed is the one that responds and in turn addresses the originator ego state. Nine types of complementary transactions are possible. The most commonly occurring transactions are shown in the diagrams appearing below.

Transactions also occur between internal Parent and internal Child.

P - C : "Be careful. The road may be slippery after rains."

C - P : "Yes sure. I will be careful."

We experience such mind talk or incessant mind chatter when we are disturbed, and also when we are severely hurt by what someone said or did. These are intra-personal dialogues. They serve the purpose of reinforcing our 'self-other-person-world' view, life position, self worth-value-dignity-well-being' and  generate psychological trading stamps.

Crossed Transactions : Vectors are crossed in crossed transactions. The ego state that responds may be different from the ego state addressed or the response may originate from the ego state addressed but may address another ego state in the originator. Crossed transactions generate a lull in communication. Communication can commence when one of the parties shifts ego state, or changes the subject matter of conversation. Diagrams picturing the most commonly occurring crossed transactions are given below.

Complex Transactions
Complex Transactions are also called Ulterior Transactions. The social content and psychological content do not mean the same. My wife asks me this: "Are you free this Sunday?" If I say yes, she is likely to say: "Let us go out shopping." or "Let us go for a movie." If I say no. She is likely to say this: "You are so busy, you never have any time for me." Both these convey hidden content in the communication. They are therefore classified as complex transactions.

Complex transactions are of two types Ulterior Complementary Transactions also called Duplex Transactions  and Ulterior Angular Transactions.

Duplex Transactions : Two sets of complementary transactions are involved. One set comprises a transaction at social level and the other set comprises a transaction at psychological level.

Angular Transactions : A set of two messages is released simultaneously. One is at the social level and the other at the psychological level. The psychological level message is responded by a social message.

Diagrams depicting these two types of transactions are given on the next page.
Note: The social component is shown by an unbroken line and the psychological component by a dotted line.

A: You are late. A > A; S(S)
     Why are you late? P > C; S(P)

B: I missed the bus. A > A; R(S)
     I am helpless. / No fault of mine. / I tried. C > P; R(P)

A - This piece is the best we have. A > A; S(S)
      You may not afford it.  It is twice as expensive A > C; S(P)

B - I will go for it. Give it to me. C > A; R(S)

We happen to use Ulterior Complementary Transactions unawarely and inadvertently. They lead to game engagements. .

Rules of Communication

Rule 1 : As long as transactions remain complementary, communication can continue indefinitely. Complementary transactions occur in a congenial environment.

Rule 2 : A crossed transaction leads to a break in communication. Communication can be restored when one or both parties 'shift their ego states' and attempt again setting aside the previous topic. Crossed transactions generate a break in communication. A lull in communication takes place.

Rule 3 : The behavioural outcome of ulterior transactions is determined by content of the psychological message (hidden / implied content).

Unhealthy Transactions
Gamy Transactions : Complementary Ulterior Transactions are precursors to game. The interaction is broken with a crossed transaction. Both parties thereafter become engaged in logjammed mind activity generating psychological trading stamps.

Crossed Transactions : Four types of crossed transactions are unhealthy. They lead to problems between individuals, groups of individuals and nations.

Ulterior Transactions : These are unhealthy and exploitative. They result in misunderstanding and often times leave the parties confused.

Redefining Transactions : There are two types of redefining transactions. Tangential Transactions and Blocking Transactions. In tangential transactions the response answers another question. In blocking transactions the issue is avoided by disagreeing with its content, purpose and meaning.

Racket Transactions : These communicate negative content by way of 'noise'. This noise presents as use  of bad language, use of slang words, raised voice, defending views, contorted facial expressions, hand movements, and facial and hand gestures. Racket transactions result in unease in the other and lead no where. They sometimes occur independent of games and at other times they are part of game.

Double-catch Transactions : The initiator poses negative content unawarely. The respondent is victimised either way. Will you not get up now? Will you not have tea? Will you not come here? The respondent gets trapped either way whether he / she agrees or not.

Relationship Diagrams
Relationship diagrams are used to map relationships of sorts. Principal types of transactions at PTA meetings, spouses, lovers, teachers and students, co-workers, play-mates, critics and their clients, psychotherapists and their clients can be identified in these diagrams. Relationship diagrams do not map two types of relationships, symbiotic relationships and gamy relationships.
A few relationship diagrams are mapped in the figure below.


Links to Blogs by Ajit Karve on Transactional Analysis

This Blog : TA for Beginners
TA Theory and Practice : TA Theory and Practice
Daily Dose of TA : Daily Dose of TA

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