Thursday, 17 October 2019

00.07 TA Racket Theory

7. TA Racket Theory

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Eric Berne has described rackets as being feelings of hurt, pain, insult, injury, embarrassment, anger, sadness that people work for by engaging in a host of activities. He described racket as a feeling, out of all the possible feelings, that is habitually turned on by a given persons as their payoff in the games they play. Fantia English describes rackets as feelings a child is allowed to have which cover up feelings the child is not allowed to experience or express. Behind each racket is an authentic feeling which cannot be felt in the current situation, and was not allowed to be felt as a child. Stewart and Joines describe racket to be familiar emotion, learned and encouraged in childhood, experienced in many different stress situations, and maladaptive as an adult means of problem-solving.

The term racket has been taken from the dictionary where they mean to be: a dishonest or fraudulent line of business; or a method of swindling for financial gain or as cover for extortion.
Therefore rackets are patterns of thinking, feeling, behaviour and transacting that are:




     Maladaptive in ending situations and solving problems;

While racket is an inauthentic feeling, racketing is an activity in which people engage unawarely  with the intent of manipulating others, and with the objective of drawing their attention, engaging with them in game, or for extracting strokes. The racketing activity draws adverse attention of others. The spectator/s stroke the person in hurting, painful or critical ways. The person thus obtains his yield of racket feelings.

Racketeering is a behaviour or a sequence of behaviours used by racketeers as a way to manipulate others in order to obtain their favoured racket feelings through the mode of strokes.


Links to Blogs by Ajit Karve on Transactional Analysis

This Blog : TA for Beginners

TA Theory and Practice : TA Theory and Practice
Daily Dose of TA : Daily Dose of TA

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